Research Companies in Finance

Financial opportunities recruit talent early and the best way to prepare is to conduct research on companies of interest.

The Graham Office staff helped you start this process by grouping the firms based on majors that would be a good fit for their internships and jobs. You will also notice the company’s name is hyperlinked to their About Me page for additional information. This is not an exhaustive list, but meant to be a starting point for your research. Take notes on what you’ve learned about the organization so you can stay organized with your research.

Check out companies in the field of Finance below:

Accenture, Consulting, Strategy and Development Internships and Jobs

Bank of America, Leadership Programs, Internships and jobs

Capital One Internships and Jobs

Citi, Internships and Jobs in banking

Discover, Positions open in August 2021 for Summer 22

Fidelity, jobs in customer assistance in Northern Kentucky and NC

Fifth Third Bank, Leadership Programs, Internships and Jobs in banking

Humana, Actuarial and finance internships and jobs in Louisville

JPMorgan Chase, Leadership Programs, Internships and Jobs

Northwestern Mutual, financial advisor internships

PayPal Holdings Inc. Internships and jobs in risk management and finance

PNC, Leadership Programs, Internships and Jobs in banking

Republic Finance, Jobs as a Sales Manager Trainee

UK Gatton Graduate Programs, MBA, MSF, and more

Wells Fargo, Leadership Programs, Internships and Jobs in banking

Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Civilian Contract Specialist

By Laura Herchenbach
Laura Herchenbach Internship Manager