Top 10 LinkedIn Tips

Top 10 LinkedIn Tips

By: Kelsey Zody

As business students, we are faced with the task of finding a job and an internship. Although this task can seem rather stressful, there are plenty of different resources made to help that stress shrink away. One of these resources is LinkedIn. LinkedIn can feel like a burden when first starting out, but once the challenge is tackled it’s a lot simpler than it seems. Here is a list of the 10 most helpful LinkedIn tips. This is a great resource to start building your profile, or to strengthen your existing account.

  • Upload an Appropriate Photo

An appropriate photo is a headshot taken in professional attire. People that have professional profile pictures get 14x more views than people without a picture. Free head-shots are available at the Stuckert Career Center. 

  • Write an Informative Profile Headline

If you don’t currently hold a professional job, this is where you can add your major(s) and that you are a student at the Gatton College of Business. If you do hold a professional job, add your title. 

  • Don’t Cut Corners on the Summary Statement

This short description can include your major, involvement and why you are on LinkedIn. Describe if you are looking for a summer internship, or full time job after graduation. Make this summary uniquely your own. 

  • Be Smart About your Experience

List jobs you have held, organizations you are apart of or any community involvement/volunteering. Be mindful of adding too many past jobs that may not be necessary for recruiters to read through. Remember in the descriptions to use strong actions words that capture attention. 

  • Show Off your Education

Throughout your profile make sure you highlight your academic achievements. Whether it is a scholarship you received, a strong GPA or academic awards, show the recruiter your academic success.

  • Build a Strong Network

Connect with fellow Gatton students, U.K. alumni working in your field of interest, your parents friends or recruiters. Doing this will expand what you see posted on LinkedIn and an opportunity may arise that you would not have known about if you didn’t have that connection.

  • Share your Work

Share academic presentations or professional projects you are proud of. Show future employers the assets that you bring to a team in real life examples. 

  • Claim your Unique URL

Doing this will help increase profile views, and allow future employers to more easily find your LinkedIn. Set your profile settings to public, allow professionals to view your accomplishments more easily.

  • Choose at Least 5 Key Skills

Picking your key skills helps showcase your strengths. Pick words that describe your talents and work ethic. Paint the picture to the recruiter of the type of employee you are. 

  • Check Out the Content Within LinkedIn

Frequently search job postings, and informational posts that will help with your search. Making LinkedIn a part of your daily routine is a great way to stay up to date and aware of any new jobs or internships available. 

Work Cited:

Omar GarriottFollowGlobal Industry Lead (SVP / GM), et al. 10 LinkedIn Tips for Students & New Grads,

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